Hallo Jakon eigenaaren,
mijn neederlands is niet zo goed maar ik verzoek een beetje bij te dragen to de geschiedenis van de jakons.
So it might be better to resume in english ..
Sailing myself a boat from “Jachtwerf Volendam”, see below, I could share some experience if anyone is interested.
Best regards,
A short historical view on the Jakons from my point of view
In the early 1960s, the Jakon (later Jakon 1) was quite often sold, see citation below. Friends of my parents had one and we (we = my parents, sisters, and me) had the opportunity to sail with that boat (Alkmaarder Meer, Ijsselmeer). My father already had contact to Mr Zwarthoed who owned the Jachtwerf Volendam. I have been told, that discussions between my father and Mr Zwarthoed resulted in some design optimisation of Jakons keel-rudder construction - maybe anyone knows about it.
In 1966, Mr Zwarthoed has shown the newly constructed Westwalkruiser on the HISWA. Although there were a few alternatives, I think that my parents have decided quite soon to buy this first Westwalkruiser. With the deal that Mr Zwarthoed kept the boat during summer 1966 for showing to others, our family startet with 1967 to have many good sailing saisons (Friesche Meeren, Ijsselmeer, Waddenzee) and my sailing experience with the boat began, at the age of 9.
In 1969, our boat was back to Volendam in the Jachtwerf to add some interior wood work. As my father has told me from conversations with Mr Zwarthoed, a second Westwalkruiser had been built and even a third one was just under construction with a different deck layout, i.e. a flat cabin construction for sailing around the world. In fact, a few years ago, the second one was for sale in USA, Ithaca, to be found with “Dutch built Westwalkruiser 1968”. The third one can be found with “Nicole van de Kerchove” and “Esquilo”, the name of her ship - a great story of its own.
As I had been told, the name “Westwal” should refer to some dijk and not to the german westwall - I hope so and maybe anyone knows more …
After building (only) 3 Westwalkruisers, Mr Zwarthoed had recognized that this boat was too large for the market - in those years. He started to build a boat being 10% smaller than the Westwalkruiser (with some adjustments of course). This was the birth of Jakon 2 which had been sold much better. The “old” Jakon was named Jakon 1, the Westwalkruiser was renamed to Jakon 3, but, to my knowledge, not built any more. Recently, I came over the Jakon 30 in this forum which probably was derived from the Jakon 3 (?) in the early 1970s and should have been built only 2 times.
In the late 1980s, my wife and me sailed to Volendam and went to the place I remembered the Jachtwerf to be, north of the village and the (old) harbour of Volendam. We only found some residuals which indicated that the Jakons had been built there, but the Jachtwerf was closed probably for years already.
In 1994, due to health reasons, my father did not want to sail any more. My wife, my daughter (not yet 2 years old), and me sailed the boat from Hindeloopen NL to Kiel DE, since our work and residence had shifted to northern germany, Schleswig-Holstein. Again, we had and have many good sailing seasons in the “oostzee”, mainly Denmark and Sweden. In 2020 we sailed from Kiel around Rügen, in 2021 we visited the Limfjord DK (maliero.de).
With the hope that we can keep our and the boats health, we think of a few more years …
{citation from:
Boten ontwerpen. In totaal zijn er 206 boten van het type Jakon gebouwd.
Jan is ruim 25 jaar verbonden geweest aan de KEM. Naast zijn periode bij de KEM zocht Jan nieuwe uitdagingen. Hij legde zich in 1962 toe op het ontwerpen van boten. De Jakon (Jan Koning) was een ontwerp van Jan van Teun. Op het Noordeinde werd een jachtwerf geopend. Ook nu weer was Jaap Zwarthoed (Jenno) bereid te investeren. Jaap Zwarthoed (Co de Beer) was degene die de Jakons bouwde. Het was een succesverhaal.