Op zeilboten wordt vaak gebruik gemaakt van kooktoestellen op spiritus. Maar welke blusmiddelen moet je aan boord hebben om een spiritusbrand te blussen? Voor mensen die op zee of Ijsselmeer zeilen is die vraag van levensbelang.
Dit is de html-versie van het bestand http://www.henrycty.com/SHERIFF/Ethanol_White_Paper_1.pdf.
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Ethanol and the Illinois Fire Service (2-8-’08)
Alcohol, which is basically what ethanol is, has been produced for many years. For the past 20 years or so, the fire service has dealt successfully with gasohol, which is a blend of 90% gasoline and 10% alcohol. Due to the low alcohol content, gasohol reacts more like gasoline than alcohol, and our standard foams and methods have usually worked on
it. However, due to clean air concerns, in some cases the percentage of alcohol in today’s
gasohol is being increased to 20%, and AFFF will NOT work on that. Ethanol is very different, since it is a blend of 85-90% alcohol, and 10 or 15% gasoline. Standard foams
will not work on ethanol which is a polar solvent, and you cannot dilute it with water.
Only alcohol resistant (AR) foams or dry chemical will handle a significant ethanol fire.
A recent reference search found that since 2000 there have been 26 ethanol related major
fires in the United States. These include 14 at production facilities, 3 tanker truck fires,
and 5 derailed train fires.
Community Planning
In communities considering an ethanol production facility, the fire service, community,
and industry leaders together need to plan adequate infrastructure for producing,
transporting, and storing this new fuel, and protecting the facilities and community.
Furthermore, firefighters need different and proper equipment and training in the event of
an ethanol fire or spill or facility related rescue. Most fire departments currently lack the
appropriate types and capacities of foam and application devices, plus an adequate
volume of water necessary to fight these fires.
Virtually all the current discussion, when the potential for an ethanol plant coming arises,
relates to either the economy or the environment. Rarely are public safety and fire
department concerns ever thought of.
Discussions should include infrastructure (roadways, railroads, adequate fire water
supply, etc.), adequate installed fire protection systems in the facility, stocks of alcohol
resistant (AR) foam, proper fire, rescue, and Haz Mat equipment and training.
Another planning consideration is requiring that sufficient open buffer space be provided
around the plant to ensure against potential fires or releases causing exposure problems.
Buffers of one half mile (ERG recommended) are needed to protect highways, railroads,
and possible future neighborhood developments, similar to what happened with
subdivisions growing up around airports, and creating problems and complaints 30 years
in the future.
Ethanol production facilities, like other industrial sites, have a variety of hazards, in
addition to ethanol fires, for which the fire department should be prepared. Some
examples include possible grain dust explosions, extrication and vertical rescues of
workers from bulk grain storage and equipment, electrical hazards, vehicle wrecks,
various hazardous materials incidents, and product spills and releases.
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Thoughtful planning, preparation, and training ahead of time, in cooperation with the
plant designers and personnel and shippers, will help ensure the safe production and
distribution of ethanol throughout Illinois and the nation.
Properties of Ethanol
Ethanol is ethyl alcohol, a colorless liquid with a characteristic alcohol odor.
It is a polar solvent which is soluble (dissolves) in water, so you cannot dilute it.
Ethanol vapors are heavier than air (1.59), so they hang low to the ground.
Ethyl alcohol’s flash point is 55 degrees F. (This increases to 58-60 degrees F when
gasoline is added.)
It’s flammable range is 3.3% to 19%.
Ethanol weighs 6.5 pounds per gallon.
Ethanol fuel E-85 is a mixture of 85% alcohol and 15% gasoline.
Ethanol burns with a virtually invisible flame, like Sterno, once the gasoline burns off.
Illinois is ranked third in the US in ethanol production, with almost 1.5 billion of the 6.4
billion gallons currently being produced nationwide. A national figure of 12.5 billion
gallons is predicted for 2009. Illinois will have a growing and increased percentage share
of this exponential growth.
Most production facilities are each designed for an output of 100 million gallons per year.
Illinois uses primarily corn to produce ethanol, but other grains and grasses can be used.
Corn is brought into the plant by truck or train, and is stored in bins/elevators on site.
Corn is moved from the bulk storage bins into the distillation process unit. In 2007, dry
mill facilities, which first grind the grain, produce 82% of the ethanol, and wet milling,
which soaks the grain, produces 18%.
Alcohol is distilled off, and collected (200 proof).
CO2 is also distilled off, and collected for sale.
The grain alcohol is then denatured with 5% gasoline (E-95) before it is moved off site.
(This makes it undrinkable, and avoids federal taxes.)
Production facilities typically store 30,000 to 500,000 gallons of ethanol on site.
Some solid waste components, called distiller’s dried grains (DDGs, wet or dry) remain
after the distillation process, and are sold for animal feed.
The vast majority of the proposed or existing Illinois ethanol plants are located in rural
areas where the roads are smaller and not equipped to handle the large volume of traffic
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that ethanol production brings. Almost all ethanol E-95 is shipped by railroad (75%) and
truck (25%). Truck shipments will increase significantly in the future. Today most E-85
is already shipped by truck.
This presents challenges both inside and outside the plants. Outside, the rural roadways
need serious upgrading to handle the large increase in traffic which would consist of both
grain and tank trucks moving to and from the plant virtually around the clock. A typical
9,000 gallon tanker truck is hauling 58,000 pounds of product. Most rural roads are not
designed nor built for this volume of heavy truck traffic. Upgrading to new paved
highway costs about $1 million per lane per mile.
A related issue involves railroad track and crossings. Much of Illinois’ rural railroad
infrastructure may also need upgrading. It is estimated that the increased volume of
ethanol will this year be the number one hazardous material shipped by US railroads.
Railroad non-pressurized tank cars generally hold 30,000 to 45,000 gallons of ethanol.
Most of this product is moved in “unit” or “batch” trains consisting of 70 to 120 or more
cars of ethanol. Thus, there could be more than 3 million gallons per train. You may also
find ethanol cars included in general rail movement.
Not upgrading roads and rail infrastructure will likely lead to wrecks involving rollovers
and derailments, as well as accidents at intersections and crossings.
Only limited barge traffic is handling ethanol. Average sized barges hold 4,000,000
gallons, and large barges hold 8,000,000 gallons of ethanol.
The existing pipeline system will not, at least in the near future, be used to move ethanol,
due in part to incompatibility with the pipes and fittings by this polar solvent, and to
problems from product mixing with residual contaminants in the pipeline. Sometimes
there are short dedicated pipelines from production facilities to nearby barge terminals.
Pipelines, however, are not presently expected to become a common way of moving
ethanol, as they are for most other fuels, though it is possible.
E-95 is currently placarded as UN 1987, but in 2008 a new placard is expected for E-85
which will be UN 3475. Currently, UN 1993 is also being used for some denatured
alcohol, and UN1203 is used for gasohol E-10.
Denatured alcohol (E-95, 95% alcohol and 5% gasoline) is delivered to terminals via
tanker trucks or railroad, and placed in bulk storage tanks.
At the terminals an additional 10% gasoline is added to create ethanol E-85 (85% alcohol
and 15% gasoline) for fuel.
Tanker trucks then deliver the E-85 to local fuel dispensing stations for sale to the public.
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Fuel Dispensing Stations
Most current gas station pumps are not useable with E-85 ethanol, due to it’s
incompatibility with plumbing, fittings, and gaskets.
Work is progressing on developing dispensing stations that can be used with ethanol.
Some are now available and in service.
The vast majority of ethanol is mixed at a terminal, but in a few cases the mixing of
alcohol and gasoline actually takes place at the fuel dispensing station.
Fuel dispensing stations then store the E-85 in dedicated tanks, and dispense it via pumps
as the product is sold.
Fire Department Response / Actions
The 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook, under Guide 127 on pages 202-203, provides
general information about the hazards, safety, and response for incidents involving
polar/water-miscible flammable liquids including ethanol.
Grain dryer fires are by far the most common fire incidents occurring in ethanol
production facilities. Ethanol processing units are typically inside buildings, not in the
open like at petroleum refineries. This can make initial size-up and actions difficult.
A fundamental choice is between fight or flight.
Alcohol burns with a nearly invisible flame, so firefighters must remain aware.
Water will not extinguish an ethanol fire. You cannot dilute nor flood it out.
You may use water streams to cool exposures. For these non-pressurized storage tank
fires, do not cool the burning tank’s sides, unless you can apply water to all sides of the
tank, until you begin flowing foam and are controlling the fire. Otherwise, the metal may
cool unevenly, twist and squeeze the tank causing it to overflow or spill burning product.
Some dry chemical agents will extinguish ethanol fires, but there is the danger of vapors
reigniting. This is not a practical tactic for most fire departments.
Most common types of foams (AFFF, Class A, CAFS, fluoroprotein, protein, and
emulsifying agents) will NOT work on ethanol fires.
AFFF may knock a small fire down long enough to attempt a rescue, but don’t count on it,
and the fire will burn back rapidly.
Alcohol Resistant (AR) foams are the only ones that may work on ethanol fires. They
have an added polymer which forms a blanket that inhibits water absorption by the
alcohol, thus not breaking down the foam as rapidly, and having a longer drain time.
AR foams should be applied in 6% or 3% concentration depending on the ethanol fires.
It is recommended that for a formula (NFPA #11) calculated quantity of foam needed to
extinguish an ethanol fire, you will likely need 3 times that amount to knock it down and
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keep it out. This could require several thousand gallons of foam concentrate itself, plus
97 or 94 times that much water to produce the foam.
Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AR/AFFF) and Alcohol Resistant Film
Forming Flouroprotein foam (AR-FFFP) will handle some types of alcohol fires, but not
all. Most likely with these foams you will have to periodically recoat the fuel to keep it
under control until it can be picked up and reclaimed.
Large volume foam applications may not be practical with the standard 60 and 95 GPM
foam eductors and nozzles commonly carried by fire departments. Also, the metering
orifices on foam proportioners are designed for the type of foam being used, so what
worked with older foams may not work well with AR foams.
Depending on the circumstances the AR foam can be banked off a vertical object so it
flows over the fuel surface gently (Type 2 application). This method generally works best.
In others you will have to let the foam fall directly on the fuel surface (Type 3
application). This is less desirable. Loading racks protected by foam sprinklers have their
own unique characteristics and needs.
As with any foam application, do not start the attack until an adequate supply of foam is
on hand to finish the job. Otherwise, you will not be successful, and will just be wasting
the limited amount of foam and water, and will have to start all over.
Blind tests at Ansul using various brands and types of foam showed only AR foams will
work on ethanol, but none of them will work in all situations and types of applications.
This test information is available on the IFSI website.
Massive quantities of foam concentrate and water and large application devices are
required to handle a serious ethanol fire. However, do not count on your local airport
crash truck saving the day. The FAA currently requires these vehicles to carry straight
AFFF for aviation fuel fires, not AR foam, so most airport crash trucks are not equipped
for an ethanol fire.
Since alcohol and ethanol are polar solvents, their spills differ from gasoline and diesel.
Common FD Haz Mat booms and diking materials will not work with polar solvents,
since the product damages the containment materials.
Most vacuum trucks will not work to recover ethanol, unless they have special filters
designed for polar solvents.
Ethanol can be contained by diking with dirt or sand.
Spills should be prevented from entering sewers and waterways.
It may be necessary to cover the spill with alcohol resistant (AR) foam until the fuel can
be recovered.
Merely letting the E-85 vapors evaporate does not solve the problem, because the
gasoline will still remain.
Open flames should be kept away from the scene.
Clean-up can be very costly.
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Technical Rescues
Ethanol production facilities, like other industries, pose the potential for various technical
rescue situations.
These could include grain bin rescues, machinery entanglements, as well as vertical and
confined space rescues.
Pre-planning should include by whom and how such rescues will be performed, and
adequate provisions made for doing so by a Technician level technical rescue team.
Hazardous Materials
Numerous hazardous materials are involved in the ethanol production process, and fire
departments should also be prepared to deal with them. They include sulfuric acid,
sodium hydroxide, ammonia (hydrous and anhydrous), chlorine based solutions, caustic
soda, and water treatment chemicals such as chlorine and bromine. Likewise, a
Technician level Haz Mat team would be needed.
IFSI is developing a series of ethanol training classes. Classroom and on-line Awareness
courses will be available early in 2008. We will also deliver Operations level training
involving both classroom and hands-on foam training. Technician and IC level training
will be added to the appropriate Haz Mat, rescue, command, and other courses.
Every Illinois community, regardless of size and whether it has an ethanol production
facility or not, must be prepared to deal with ethanol fires and spills. Ethanol will soon be
on every highway and rail line, and in an expanding number of commercial and private
vehicles. Ethanol is only one of several possible biofuels which are being developed, but
it is here now, and in rapidly increasing quantities. We must prepare now to deal with
these new, but controllable, hazards.
Bottom line, we need a true partnership between industry, elected local officials, the fire
service, and researchers to ensure public safety keeps up with the evolution and growth of
ethanol and other alternative fuels in the U.S.
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jeetje , je bent er wel mee bezig he? in een vorig draadje van jou was dit het antwoord van wilfred:
> Ik vermoed dat een normaal abc-bluspoeder geschikt is voor
> een spiritusbrand. en in een noodgeval is msschien een natte
> katoenen handdoek een bruikbaar blusmiddel voor een kleine
> spiritusbrand?? Spiritus mag volgens de officiële
> voorschriften worden geblust met o.a. een fijne waternevel,
> maar die heb je in een noodgeval niet bij de hand, tenzij je
> een plantensproeier klaar zet. Of een plens water daarbij
> goed is, vraag ik me af.
Bluspoeder kan je prima gebruiken om een alcoholbrand te blussen. Natte doek zal ook werken. Veel water ook. Het koelt en je verdunt de alcohol waardoor die niet meer kan branden. Bij oliebranden en benzinebranden e.d. mag je dat niet doen, bij een alcoholbrand is dat prima.
> Spiritus is oplosbaar in water. Brandbare vloeistoffen die
> niet oplosbaar zijn in water mogen trouwen beslist niet
> worden geblust met water, want die gaan drijven op het
> bluswater of geven dan een explosie. Bijvoorbeeld brandende
> slaolie, frituurvet, lampolie, wasbenzine en benzine.
> Een blusdeken hoort sowieso thuis op elke kajuitboot, omdat
> een poederblusser kan weigeren. Een abc-poederblusser als
> extra is wel wenselijk, maar moet regelmatig worden
> gecontroleerd en bij een blusdeken hoeft dat niet. Een
> branddeken kan in noodgevallen ook worden gebruikt tegen de
> kou.
Helemaal mee eens. Je kan een blusdeken ook nog gebruiken om iemand die in brand staat te blussen. Dat is vriendelijker dan een poederblusser te gebruiken. Het poeder in de blusser is keukenzout. Dat lijkt me niet lekker op brandwonden. Maar goed, in geval van nood doe je wat…
Een spiritusbrand aan boord is nagenoeg verwaarloosbaar.
Jaren op spiritus gekookt. Ik vraag mij af of jij wel weet hoe een spiritus kooktoestel aan boord werkt.
De containers vul je buiten de kajuit. In de containers zit een absorptiemateriaal. Goed gevuld ook al hou je de container op de kop dan komt er geen druppel uit. De spiritus sla je op in de ankerbak als je geen goede berging hebt.
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